Oil and Gas Upstream Software List
Contact jeff@pointflow.co if you have revision input.
Drilling and Completions Software
Totco - M/D Totco (nov.com)
Pason - Integrated Drilling Data Solutions | Pason Systems
Corva - Corva | Smarter Technology
Well Data Labs - Manage, Analyze & Report Technical Well Data | Well Data Labs
Rivitt - Rivitt
Well Data and Well Lifecycle
WellView - www.peloton.com
WellEZ - https://www.quorumsoftware.com/upstream-on-demand/wellez
Well Information Technologies - wellinfo.tech
EnergyIQ - https://resources.quorumsoftware.com/energyiq
Wellman NextGen - https://www.resourceenergysolutions.com/
Petrosight - PETROSIGHT - Wellsite Reporting
Accounting and ERP
Integra - https://www.avatarsystems.net/integra.aspx
WolfePak - https://wolfepak.com/
P2 BOLO - https://www.p2energysolutions.com/
Enertia - https://www.enertia-software.com/
IBM SAP - www.sap.com
Pandell - www.pandell.com
OGSYS - https://www.quorumsoftware.com/upstream-on-demand/ogsys
W Energy Software - https://wenergysoftware.com/
Open Invoice - https://www.openinvoice.com
P2 Excalibur - P2 Excalibur | P2 Energy Solutions
ISNet - ISN | ISNetworld | Official Site
Avetta - Supply Chain Risk Management Software | Avetta
Veriforce - Veriforce - The World's Premier Supply Chain Risk Performance Network
Land and Division Orders
iLandMan - https://www.ilandman.com/
LandVantage - https://www.lislv.com/landvantage
ThoughtTrace - https://www.thoughttrace.com/
LandDox - https://resources.quorumsoftware.com/land-management
Leasemap - Land Management (lmkr.com)
Scada, IoT, and AI
Inspatial - https://www.inspatial.com/
Emerson Zedi - https://www.zedisolutions.com/
Ignition - https://inductiveautomation.com/
Noralta - https://www.noralta.com/
eLynx - https://www.elynxtech.com/
OnPing - https://onping.net/
Ambyint - www.ambyint.com
Iron-IQ - www.iron-iq.com
Validere - https://validere.com/upstream/
EcoStructure Geo Scada - https://tinyurl.com/3z5e9a2z
Noralta - https://www.noralta.com/
DynaCloud - www.dynacloud.io
Reserves and Forecasting
Aries - ARIES Petroleum Economics Software (landmark.solutions)
PHDWin - PHDwin V3 – industry leading economics and reserves software for the oil and gas industry
ComboCurve - ComboCurve - Next generation of Reserves & Economics
PDQ Decide - PDQdecide | E&P Reserves & Planning Software
Aucerna - Reserves Evaluation | Aucerna
Quantum - Enertel – Redefining Energy Intelligence (enerteladvisors.com)
4cast.io - Home (4-cast.io)
Enersight - Aucerna Technology | Aucerna
AlphaX - AlphaX Sky - AI based production forecasting (alphaxds.com)
Field Ticketing and E-Ticketing
Ironsight - https://ironsight.app/
Cleargistix - https://cleargistix.com/
OpenTicket - https://www.enverus.com/solutions/business-automation/payables-supply-chain/openticket/
E-Ticket Exchange - https://pdsenergy.com/e-ticket-exchange/
Production Reporting
Field Direct - https://www.fielddirect.com/
iWell - https://www.iwell.info/
Greasebook - https://www.greasebook.com/
ProdView - www.peloton.com
PramsPlus - www.pramsplus.com
ScoutFDC - www.scoutfdc.com
IHS Field Direct - Oilfield Production Data Capture - FieldDIRECT | IHS Markit
Enertia FDC - Upstream Oil & Gas Field Data Capture Tools | Enertia Software (enertia-software.com)
Joyn - Oil & Gas Production Allocation | Field Data Capture | Pump by Exception (joyn.ai)
EZOps - Digital Oilfield Solutions | Innovative Oil & Gas Software | EZ Ops
Geology and Geo Physics
Petra - https://ihsmarkit.com/industry/energy.html
LMKR GeoGraphix - https://www.gverse.com/home/GVERSEGeoGraphix20194
TGS - www.tgs.com
Danomics - https://www.danomics.com/
PowerLog - https://www.cgg.com/geosoftware/powerlog
Interactive Petrophysics - https://www.lr.org/en/ip-well-analysis-software/
GIS & Mapping
Public Data and Analytics
IHS - https://ihsmarkit.com/industry/oil-gas.html
Enverus (formerly Drilling Info) - https://www.enverus.com/
Well Database - https://welldatabase.com/
ShaleProfile - https://shaleprofile.com/
Convey 640 - http://convey640.com
Oseberg - oseberg: oil & gas insight on demand
Pangaea - Pangaea - Oklahoma Corporation Commission Oil & Gas Regulatory Information (pangaeadata.com)
Data Management and Sharing
PDS Energy - https://pdsenergy.com/
WellDrive - https://www.welldrive.com/
Pepper Well File Management - http://www.pepperwellfile.com/
Conduit Resources - https://www.conduitresources.com/
"Other" and Noteworthy
Tasq.IO - www.tasq.io
Data Gumbo - https://www.datagumbo.com/
Datagration - https://www.datagration.com/
Blue Ocean Existence - Bringing Intelligence to the Oilfield (blueoceanexistence.com)
Intellese - Data Intelligence Made Easy | Intellese
Software Lists / Resources